As I took a stroll down memory lane in Southern California, I decided to revisit the San Diego Zoo in Balboa Park. I had been to the San Diego Zoo as a child, but I was too young to remember.
Just after the entrance, I decided to start off on the left by the Skyfari East lift. I have to admit, the Meerkats sure are a cute animal. I remember a show on the Discovery Channel a while back, showing Meerkats and I think it was quite popular.
Just around from the Meercats were the Macaws, very colorful birds:
Just beside the Macaws was a medium sized pond with Spot-necked Otters. I tried to get a photo, but the Otters were quite playful this day. Also, this day the Zoo was very busy.
After watching the Otters, I walked over to the Fossa. I thought back for a minute. Most of these animals I had never heard of in my life. Some of them had interesting names, some looked a little funny, but sure enjoyed viewing them in their natural habitat.
After looking at the animals around the entrance, I decided to take a rest and take the Skyfari Lift to the back of the park. I knew that Balboa Park was a gem in downtown. I never knew that there was such a great view from the Skyfari Lift.
All through out the Zoo (except for the Polar areas) there were nice waterfall's or small island displays. Honestly, I wish I had something this nice in my yard.
I noticed a good size group of people around the Koala (which are not bears, they are marsupials.) These Koala's have a great idea, sleeping! I know they are nocturnal marsupials.
Giraffes have been a second favorite animal. I like the color patterns on their skin. This giraffe was a young one, but still tall enough. If I could have some as pets, that would be great.
When ever I see a camel, I always think of my friends in Israel. This camel, bless him, was going through a shedding phase.
The last area to visit was the Elephant Odyssey. I watched the elephant's walk around the area. I am amazed a how a huge animal could walk around so gracefuly.