Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jerusalem, capitol of Israel.

After a few days in Tel Aviv, Martin and I borded a train and made the great ride to Jerusalem.

As the train rode eastward, we were taken through the most remarkable landscape on earth.  To see Biblical prophecy fulfilled (where the Jews come back home and make Israel bloom.)

More pictures of crops growing:

 Just as the train approached the western hills of Jerusalem, this interesting military (?) tower appeared:

Here is the apartment flat rental Martin and I shared in the Shikun Rasko neighborhood of Jerusalem:

Martin and I hade a great view northwest from our apartment.  The air was crisp and clear.  We would wash our clothes in the shower and then dry them on the fence you see.

Martin and I then took the bus to the Old City later that night.  As we walked through the Old City, it was great to walk where the Prophets, common people and Jesus from the Bible were not that long ago.

Above is the Cardo (Roman street) near Ashkenazi Square.  To walk through the city with the richest history was an experience that can not be seen anywhere in the world.

Pictured here is a giant Menorah (made of solid gold and will be used in the 3rd Temple), which overlooks the Mount of Olives:

As Martin and slowly made our way through the Old City, I could see the Western Wall come closer.  Growing up I would see the Western Wall on tv and in pictures, not quite understanding the meaning to the Jews.  Standing in the Western Wall Plaza, I could see the imense size of the Wall.  Surprisingly, what you see right now is just a small fraction of the entire Western Wall.  Approaching the Western Wall I was in awe of how large each stone is.

Here is Martin, the first time "home" and the first of his family to see "home:"

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