Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yafo Rd, Yad Vashem and Jerusalem views.

Martin and I had debated for a while about going to Yad VaShem, with Martin being Jewish and me having a lot of German ancestry.  We finally decided to go.  We took the bus into town, and then took the light rail the rest of the way.  Here is the the light rail station at King George St and Yafo Rd.:

The ride on the light rail was amazing.  Martin and I enjoyed the oppertunity to sit back and see Jerusalem.  I recomend using the light rail if you are ever in town.  As the light rail came to the end of the line at Har Herzl (Mt. Herzl), Martin and I had a great view of western Jerusalem, near Ein Kerem.  Here is a great view from the last stop:

Here was a plaque (of couse in Hebrew...) giving the names of the mountains and attractions:

Next, Martin and I started walking towards Yad VaShem.  I have to admit, I like the fact that the signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.  I have yet to understand Hebrew very well:

Here is a photo looking westward showing Ein Kerem and John the Baptist Church:

The path slowly meandered towards Yad VaShem, giving one a great view of western Jerusalem.  The name Yad VaShem ( יד ושם ) is taken from the Bible:

"Even unto them will I give in mine house and within
my walls a place and a name better than of sons and
daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that
shall not be cut off."
Isaiah 56:5

I took these pictures just before we entered Yad VaShem:

I did not see the notice not to take photos while in Yad VaShem.

Here is the view looking outside of Yad VaShem:

Next, I made my way to the Childrens Memorial.  I have to admit, this is the most sobering Memorial I have ever been to.

After I exited the Childrens Memorial, I came to the Education Department.  Yad VaShem has an impressive educational department.  Not one bit of information is left unstudied in the Holocaust.  Here is new construction on Yad VaShem:

After our mind opening visit to Yad VaShem, Martin and I decided to return back our aparment for the day.  We took the light rail back to the city:

Here is a view of the Old City near the Old City Hall (I will never get old of looking at the Old City):

The light rail (called City Pass) opened up the friday before Martin and I flew in.  Fare was suspended the first 2 weeks of operation.  Despite collecting no fare, the light rail was packed the entire time:

This photo was taken along Yafo Rd near where Martin and I would disembark:

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